Ben Hayyan Aqaba International Laboratories
Aisha Al-Baounieh Street
Green District
Email: ndhayyat@aseza.jo
Web: http://benhayyan.com
Rest of the World
Legionella Risk Assessment Services
- Hot and Cold Water Systems Risk Assessment
- Evaporative Cooling Systems Risk Assessment
- Process and Other Systems Risk Assessment
- Healthcare Risk Assessment
Hot and Cold Water Monitoring and Inspection Services
Independent Consultancy Services
Training Services
Legionella Monitoring Services
- Sampling
- In Field Analysis
- Laboratory Analysis
- Interpretation of Analysis
Company Overview
BEN HAYYAN Aqaba International Laboratories is a modern laboratory that provide an accurate, reliable and accredited technical services to the government regulatory and private sector institutions, providing advanced training and applied research opportunities, and consolidate the foundations of cooperation with institutions that provide similar services in the areas of food, water and air safety and quality. Water measurements quality division is a part of BEN HAYYAN labs that provide services of monitoring and all services related to water quality to all sectors especially touristic establishments as hotels. Those including services designed to control the risk associated with Legionella bacteria starting from sampling, analysis, and consultations. BEN HAYYAN is accredited with ISO 17025 standard internationally since 2008 and up to now were accredited including legionella sampling and analysis.
This statement of compliance to the Legionella Control Association’s Code of Conduct for Service Providers detailshow BEN HAYYAN labs conduct its business operations to ensure that it fulfils all of the commitments as set out inthe Code of Conduct to ensure its practices and procedures to provide its clients with a service that is fullycompliant with current legislation and guidance.