LCA Members provide a range of products and services for the control of legionella bacteria in water systems. All LCA Members demonstrate that they have complied with the LCA Code of Conduct and LCA Service Standards and are committed to helping their customers prevent legionellosis and keep their water systems safe.

14 May

legionella Control

Navigating the Future of Compliance - London

Venue: Cavendish Conference Centre, 22 Duchess Mews, London, W1G 9DT, United Kingdom


Legionella News

Legionella Bacteria Found in Asylum Site
Company Failed to Manage Legionella Risk as Prisoner Dies
Residents put at Risk of Deadly Disease as Company Fined £900k
Working with TMVs and TMTs to LCA Service Delivery Standards
LAC-67 and HSE Evaporative Cooling System Interventions
Appeals and Suspensions